On March 2nd, 2023, Yell County received some of the worst flash floodings we have seen in years. Yell County Swiftwater Rescue, Yell County Mounted Patrol, Yell County Dive Team, and Yell County Emergency Management performed six swift water rescues overnight.
This morning we are looking at damages across the county. (Spring Creek Rd. Pictured) Emergency Management, Road Department, and my office will meet later this morning to determine if we will make a Declaration of Disaster to the Arkansas Division of Emergency Management in hopes of receiving help from the Federal Emergency Management Association.
I cannot say thank you enough to the emergency responders who put themselves at risk last night. I’ve had the pleasure to work with these men and women for the last 13 years as Director of Emergency Management and they are an amazing group of people. I will always be proud of them and the work they do.
Jeff Gilkey
Yell County Judge